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French bulldogs of exotic colors, Київ
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French bulldogs of exotic colors, Київ

Регіон: м. Київ   (Kolonija šećerane 21)
Архівне оголошення
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French bulldog puppies of exotic colors, , born on October 19, 2021. strong skeletons, proper heads and proper teeth, await their new owners. Puppies professionally cared for, cleaned of parasites, received both doses of the vaccine, very sociable and playful, grow and thrive under the supervision of a veterinarian. Puppies have all the necessary medical documentation. Possibility of delivery abroad, provision of passports and necessary travel documents. We are always available for help in the form of advice in education to future owners ... For all additional information, videos, pictures we send to viber, whatsapp +38163496106: Nebojsa Brinic, instagram:. @nebojsabrinic. fb: French Bulldogs and Nebojsa Brinic OR Viber, whatsApp +38162305392: Igor Brinic instagram: @igor_brinic @frencbulldogs_vs fb:. igor brinic
mail: fbuldozi@gmail.com LOCATION:VRBAS,SERBIA!!!
ID оголошення: #2937761 (додано незареєстрованим користувачем)
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